It doesn’t matter what type of website you have, you need to focus on conversion. If you’re serious about making money online and providing solid value to your website visitors, you need to focus on conversion. The better you get at reprogramming your content strategy, as well as your online brand, towards conversion, the more value you bring to the really doesn’t get any simper than that.
If you operate an eCommerce website, you need to focus on sales. If you publish content websites, you should focus on getting more Ad clicks and encouraging more of your visitors to enter their email addresses into your squeeze pages. By the same token, if you publish information sites primarily, you should aim to make sure that as much of your visitors will take action on the information you feature.
Regardless of the type of site you run, you should at the very least aim to have people share your website’s URL on their social networking accounts and through social media. Similarly, it doesn’t really matter what type of website you have, you should aim to get people to view your website as a credible source of niche information.
The bottom line is, conversion is crucial. If you don’t focus on conversion, you are simply putting up websites to generate traffic. Now you may be thinking to yourself, “This is how most other people do it. What’s so bad about creating traffic platforms on the internet?” Well, traffic is great and everything, but it doesn’t necessarily put money in your pocket. That’s the bottom line. I mean, you only need to look at the typical adult website and you’d realize that these content sites generate tons of traffic, but a lot of them are actually struggling to make money.
Traffic volume is not necessarily the magic bullet that will solve all your monetization problems. Similarly, getting your site passed around through social networks is great, but that doesn’t automatically put money in your pocket. Conversion does. Conversion puts money in your pocket and this is why it’s crucial to focus on conversion. Everything you do online must revolve around conversion. Finally, focusing on conversion builds brand equity.
Now, you may be thinking to yourself, “Well, I just need to generate more dollars. I’m not necessarily trying to build a solid brand.” Well, be that as it may, a solid brand enables you to take advantage of a solid exit strategy. If you’re going to end up selling your website, if you built a solid brand with a matching loyal community around it, chances are quite high that you would earn more dollars than otherwise.
The amount of focus you put on conversion dictates the TRUE NATURE of your site
You can’t tell whether a website is intended to generate money or if it’s positioned to be an asset. Now, you may be asking yourself, “Aren’t they the same thing?” Well, the answer is absolutely no. A lot of online entrepreneurs think that they’re building online assets when in reality they actually just have a money-making device or, still, a hobby.
What is the difference? Assets are scalable. They also can withstand the test of time. They can produce income over the long haul. Assets are often based on the solid foundation of effective conversion strategies.
Hobbies, on the other hand, are websites that you build because you are simply excited about a particular topic. Hobby websites come and go. Sure, they can make money, but they’re only as good as your level of interest and passion. Once that disappears, the quality of hobby websites tend to suffer tremendously. Similarly, if you’re just looking at building websites to make money, it’s very easy to cut corners. It’s very easy to create fairly shallow websites. These shallow roots can work against you because search engine algorithms change rapidly.
If your website is not built on a solid foundation of branding and conversion, it’s too easy for your online property to join the ranks of easily forgettable “flavor of the moment” websites. I don’t think that is a winning strategy over the long haul. Your best bet would be to focus on conversions.
Converting visitors into cash: The basics
Converting visitors into cash on a sustainable and predictable basis requires a lot of thinking. Now, you’ve probably visited many online marketing forums where people post all sorts of success stories where they supposedly got excited about a particular topic, put up a blog, and all of a sudden their banking all these dollars. Well, I don’t doubt such stories.
The problem with those stories is that, for the most part, these people just got lucky. You see, if you try to conduct an online business by the seat of your pants, chances are quite good that when conditions change, your website is going to fail. The worst part is that you wouldn’t know how to fix your website to make all the good time come back. Do you see where I’m coming from?
It’s much better to look at conversion as a system driven strategy with specific parts. Once you’re able to wrap your mind around the basics of conversions, you can then customize specific strategies that would work best with your particular set of circumstances. Keep the following in mind if you’re serious about turning your content and your online presence into a fine-tuned conversion tool.
The KLT process
Selling stuff online and offline is actually quite simple. People are not going to buy from you if they don’t trust you. In turn, people are not going to trust you if they feel don’t like the particular solution you are offering. To make matters worse, people will not like your solution if they don’t feel they know you. All these different steps are interrelated.
People must first know you for them to get an opportunity to like the solution that you are promoting. Once they develop a liking to the solution that you are offering, then they can build enough trust to eventually buy from you. Of course, depending on the consumer you are appealing to, this process can either take a relatively short period of time or it can be a long, drawn out process.
What’s important is that you are aware of the process. It is crucial that you engineer into your content and website strategy the KLT process. Otherwise, you are simply playing the game to get lucky. Now, don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with getting lucky, but if you are serious about developing a successful online business that you can either pass on to your kids or sell a tremendous profit, you need to create a predictable conversion system. This is why the KLT process is crucial.
It’s all about trust. Trust translates into sales, email submissions, ad clicks, software download and installations, shares on social media, and any other metric of success. Regardless of the type of website you have, you need to produce trust and this is where a systematic approach to conversions using the KLT process comes in.
Produce content with KLT in mind
Believe it or not, in this day and age, there are still so many bloggers out there based solely on whim. They get all excited about a particular concept, they spend all this time and effort producing content and it just sits there. There are no visitors. When there are visitors, people walk away thinking, “That’s nice,” and end up not doing anything. That type of content doesn’t convert. This really is too bad because if you want to produce high-converting traffic, you need to focus on catering to existing demands.
Don’t focus on how things should be or how you wish things would be like. Focus instead on what people already prefer. In short, create content based on existing demand patterns. The great news is, by simply paying attention to your competitors, you would know which pieces of content are particular in your niche. This doesn’t mean that you should just copy and paste or straight-out rip off their content. No.
Pay attention to their topics and come up with content with your own particular spin. This is crucial. You need to create a distinct identity with your treatment of hot topics in your niche. By focusing on hot topics, you’ll be producing content that already has an established demand. You’re not reinventing the wheel. You’re not taking shots in the dark. You’re building something based on something that already works.
The next step is to put your distinct spin on that topic. Put in another way, if you’re going to create content based on hot topics with the same exact perspective as your competitors, there’s really no compelling reason why your visitors should go to your website instead of your competitor’s website. Why should they go to you when essentially they are just going to get the same content? I hope you see where I’m coming from.
You need to put your personality out there. You have to answer the fundamental question that most visitors subconsciously ask at the back of their minds: “Why should I trust you?” Your answer, of course, is that you have a distinct spin. You have a distinct take that would make it worth their while to visit your website instead of your competitors. I hope that’s clear because if you’re just going to share the exact same stuff that everybody else is sharing, that’s not going to cut it. You’re not setting up content that is engineered to convert.
Lay out content with KLT in mind
When you produce an article or blog post, keep in mind that it actually has many different sections. Depending on your writing style, maybe the sections are the introduction, the middle parts, and the conclusion, or you can use a different subheading. Whatever the case may be, every piece of content has different sections.
Your job is to lay out the content in such a way that the different sections of the same article or blog post pulls the reader down the page. You don’t want to write in such a way that people would get the good stuff from the first paragraph and bounce out of your page. It’s like opening a flower store and put sample flowers for free upfront, and most of your visitors just grab a free flower and leave. You’re not going to make money that way.
You need to lay out your article in such a way that it rewards people as they drill down your page. The more content they consume, the more they are rewarded. Of course, you have to make sure that the value is obvious to them. You don’t want to make them feel that you’re playing games. Still, you’re creating content, not for your health, but to make money. You need to lay it out in such a way that you drag the reader down the page, so that the KLT process will benefit you.
Format your content to pull readers into the guts of your website
Put quite a number of internal links into your content. The key here is to pull readers deeper and deeper into your site. The more they drill through your content, the more they dwell on your pages. The more they dwell, the easier they are to sell. Think of your blog or website as a giant inverse funnel. At the top of the funnel is a wide base. This is where the huge amount of traffic comes in.
As people read through your content, they filter themselves out, so that at the end of the process only people who are truly interested in your niche or your value proposition will end up clicking on ad to buy something, entering their email address to get on your newsletter, clicking on a link to download software, or otherwise perform an action that you’ll get paid for.
You need to keep this funnel system in mind when you are selecting your content, writing it, and then laying it out. Otherwise, it’s too easy to just produce random content that doesn’t really contribute to your bottom line.
Make sure your visitors can funnel back
Make sure that your visitors can click back to an earlier stage of the KLT process. This is extremely important because you can’t assume that once people go from the Know stage to the Like stage, that they would then proceed onto the Trust stage. Maybe they need additional information for them to make a truly informed decision. Whatever the case may be, you need to give them the opportunity to click back to an earlier stage in the KLT process. Usually, this is done with related links or resource links.
Similarly, you need to make sure that your visitors can funnel forward. If they really like your content, make it easy for them to go to the next stage of the KLT process. If they feel that they already know you and are ready to trust you, make sure that there is a link that goes to a page that plays up the Trust stage of the KLT process.
Finally, if they feel that they are ready to like your solutions, feature a link where you dwell on the Like stage of the conversion process. Whatever you do, make sure that you set up your visitors for an increased likelihood of conversion.
Manage expectations before people get to your page
This is one conversion strategy that a lot of otherwise veteran online entrepreneurs and marketers completely overlook. They think that as long as they blast a link throughout the internet and people click, they have a conversion opportunity. This kind of thinking will make you lose a lot of money, waste a lot of time, and at the end of the process you’ll end up with little to no results.
If you’re sick and tired of wasting your time and money, learn to manage peoples’ expectations. If you are sharing links on social media, for example, make sure that the titles that you use set the proper expectations. Always keep the KLT process in mind.
If you think that a particular traffic source is populated primarily of people who are simply looking to know of your expertise in your niche, then feature link titles that cater to the Know stage of the KLT process. Mange expectations properly so people are in the right frame of mind when they end up on your content.
What impacts conversion?
Conversion is not a simple matter of getting links out there, getting people to click on the links, and getting them to somehow or someway enter their email address, whip out their credit cards to buy stuff, or click on ads. It’s more complicated than that. You need to focus on the messaging people get when they are on your website and the message you give them after they click out of your site.
Sadly, too many marketers only focus on what goes on in their site. This is why most marketers are struggling. They only see a part of the overall conversion picture. You need to focus on the whole picture to maximize your chances of converting that traffic.
Before people get to your site
Pay attention to the nature of the sites you draw traffic from. As much as possible, customize your messaging strategy, as well as your promotional content, to best fit the websites your traffic are coming from. The easiest way to do this is to pay attention to the headlines you’re using. For example, if you are using paid ads, pay attention to your ad text and the snippet of the content that you are promoting.
Keep in mind that since you’re dealing with different audiences located in different places, you need to take stock of the impact these different locations may have on the tendency of that traffic to convert. Similarly, if you are promoting content on Twitter, pay attention to the hashtags that you’re using. If you are promoting through YouTube videos, pay attention to the categories you’re using.
Again, factor in the specific nature and details of your traffic sources. Otherwise, you are leaving a lot of money on the table.
While visitors are on your site
Your website’s appearance has a dramatic impact on your conversions. Pay attention to factors like layout, formats, colors, fonts, text spacing, and images. Similarly, pay attention to the emotional impact of your content. Look at ease of comprehension, as well as intimidation level.
Is your content scary? Is your content so intimidating that people would rather not read it? Would it make more sense to break everything into bit-size pieces? Are you trying to achieve too much with one piece of content?
The more you simplify the conversion consumption process, the less friction your content consumers will experience. The less friction there is, the higher the chance they would convert.
After visitors click out of your site
Pay attention to what happens after people click out of your website. Believe it or not, you still have pay attention to conversion even after you’ve gotten people to successfully click on an ad or a link to your squeeze page. Similarly, you also need to pay attention to people after you’ve got them to click on a link so they can download and install an app or software.
To maximize conversion in this context, pay attention to the anchor text that you use, the specific landing page your link is going to, and most importantly your call to action. All these either work for you or against you, so it’s really important to be as clear about these elements as possible and fine-tune them for maximum conversion.
Adopt an effective conversion strategy
I wish I could tell you that there is some sort of one-size-fits-all cookie cutter conversion strategy that works for all people under all circumstances and in all contexts. Unfortunately, if I were to tell you that, I would be lying to you.
Conversion, if anything, is all about context. Accordingly, it’s really important for you to focus on adopting a conversion strategy that works best in your particular situation. Just because somebody else’s strategy works for them, it doesn’t automatically follow that such a strategy would work in your situation.
You need to pay attention to the following issues and keep modifying them guided by traffic metrics and sales to come up with a specific implementation that works best for you. What should you pay attention to in terms of putting together a winning conversion strategy? Look at the following.
- What you choose to write about
- How you write
- What you link to
- How you present ads or other conversion elements
- How you present your brand
Your conversion strategy must guide the elements listed above. Otherwise, you’re just simply taking shots in the dark.
Conversion and branding are joined at the hip
The more attention you pay to maximizing your conversions, the more effective your brand becomes. It really doesn’t get any simpler than that. You’re killing two birds with one stone by simply focusing on maximizing conversions. When you focus on conversions, you are also automatically enhancing your brand. This leads to an upward spiral, as far as your profits are concerned.
The stronger your site converts overall, the stronger your brand connection becomes. In turn, the stronger your brand becomes, the easier it is for your site to convert overall. I hope you see how these are interrelated and how you can create an upward spiral of positive brand identification and conversion probability by simply choosing to invest more of your time, effort, and resources into more effective conversions.