If you’re spending the time money and energy creating blog posts, then you want to make the most out of them.
As we all know pumping out 400 word posts, that are written in 20 minutes won’t cut it. You have to spend time and effort on your blogs and if you’re going to do that then it makes sense to promote them properly.
So, with this in mind we’ve written this piece. This will give you 13 wise new ways to promote your posts and get your content out there in front of valuable eyes.
Stay Up To Date With What’s Trending
Jump on the bandwagon when it comes to what’s going on in the world. Is there something going viral and does the hype relate to your blog at all? If so, then you could take advantage of the hype and try to find new audiences. Keep an eye out for trending topics and try to make it relate to what your blog is all about. This is easier said than done, but it’s worth pursuing.
Create Epic Content
Your content needs to be epic. It has to be good enough for people to want to share it and comment on it. It also needs to be good enough to entice people to share it. Every single piece of content you publish needs to count.
On that note, epic content comes in many forms. Generally speaking, your content should be at least 1,500 words or more and you should reference other authorities in your niche within the content. Besides that, make sure your content is easy to digest.
The way your text looks is also important. These days readers like attractive texts. If your text looks good and reads well, then this will go a long way with your readers.
Format the Content
If you want your text to be as readable as possible, then keep paragraphs short. Use subheadings too. Doing these two things allow reads to quickly scan through your content and read the stuff that interests them the most. Subheadings allows readers to read your content in the order of their choosing.
These days, internet users are tight on time and this is why short paragraphs are a must. Not only that, but mobile readers are some of the highest numbers of internet users and shoppers. They want content that reads well on their mobile devices.
Making your content more scan-able is easy when you make a few changes to your formatting. There are a number of ways to do this. Remember, this is important to do because your readers are constantly on the move and you have to use formatting to grab and keep their attention. You don’t want your blog to scare potential readers away.
Here’s what you want to do:
- Bullet points- Use bullets to separate points
- Numbered Lists- Use a numbered list if you want to make a certain number of points, such as five points, 10 points and so forth.
- Fonts & Style- Use several fonts to create text that stands out. Also, use bolding to do this.
- Captions On Images- Images are powerful and captions can increase that power tenfold. People are naturally drawn to the words under a picture. Step things up by using engaging captions that describe the images.
- Use Photos- Speaking of images, make sure you use photos throughout your blog. People love photos and using them is a must.
- Short Paragraphs- Keep paragraphs 3-5 sentences long. This is perfectly acceptable and you might be even to do less than that. Short and concise paragraphs are far more engaging than long and large chunks of paragraphs.
- Leave Space- It’s fine to have a bit of white space. You don’t have to cover every single part of your blog posts. Trust us, most readers don’t care about this.
Target The Right Phrases
If you want to attract readers, then get found via search. People turn to Google and search engines to find relevant content. What you want to do is optimize your content by performing a bit of keyword research. Find out what your prospective readers are searching and then create content with those keywords in mind
Tip: Use keyword difficulty tools or keyword research tools. These work by entering phrases and words relating to your industry. Ideally, you want to target popular keywords that have a high competition score. Use AHRefs for this – it’s the best keyword research tool out there and will show you what keywords to target based on various factors.
Internal Links
Many tips focus on promoting your blog via other people’s sites and blogs. There isn’t anything wrong with this, but you should focus on promoting your posts by using your own blog. This is one of the best ways to get more traffic.
When you create a new post, think about how you can promote it within your own blog. Also, if you have popular posts listed on your homepage, then consider linking to your new posts via one of the older and more popular posts. However, make sure you only link to relevant content, otherwise you won’t get much traffic.
Every time you add an internal link within your blog, you are increasing your chances of getting current readers to visit your older posts. Not only that, but internal linking is good for SEO. Eventually the search engines may take notice and this will give your site a boost in rankings.
Social Media the Hell Out of it!!
Many people are lost when it comes to social media. If people are not sharing your posts via social media, then it’s probably because you’re not asking them to. You must ask your followers to share and engage with your posts if you want to launch successful social media campaigns.
There are three tools all bloggers should be using when it comes to social media. One is clarity. The other two is directness and simplicity.
Cross Promote your Content
After you have created a new blog post, you want to promote it. Share it to all your social media profiles. Social media is one of the most effective ways to get traffic to your blogs. Yet, a lot of people don’t take advantage of social media.
It’s worth pointing out that different social media sites have different options in regards to promoting content. They have their own rules in regards to post formats, image sizes and things of that nature. Nonetheless, you want to use multiple social media sites in order to drive traffic to your site.
Some social sites let you add hashtags. Hashtags are a way people search for content on social media. Other sites, such as Twitter, lets you use handles to reach out to other Twitter users. Also, you can use emojis to make your posts more personable.
Hashtags work wanders on sites like Instagram and Twitter. But, they don’t do that well on LinkedIn or Facebook. Besides that, you might need to speak with your LinkedIn connections differently than you do with your Facebook friends.
It’s all about cross-promoting your posts. Don’t use the same old message on every social media site you belong to. Customize your messages in a way that appeals to users of specific social media sites.
Build Your List
One of the best things all bloggers can do for themselves is to build their own email list. When you create new content, you can let your list know about it, and this means tons of people will flock to your site via your emails. Some of your followers might share your post in emails or via social media. If new readers stumble upon your posts, they may signup to become a member of your list.
By sending out emails to your posts, you stand a better chance of having your content go viral. Do you have a small list or in the process of building one because if so, then don’t expect a ton of traffic right away. Focus on growing your audience and engaging them, and before you know it your list will be massive and more responsive.
Send Out Newsletters
Do you send out newsletters because the next time you send one out to your list, be sure to include a link to your newest blog post within the newsletter. You’ll drive traffic by doing this. Not only that, but people will be curious about the content you’re linking to.
Only link back to your very best content. If you link back to posts in every single newsletter, then things could backfire on you. Potential readers may become annoyed and will delete themselves from your list.
Time Updates Properly
It doesn’t matter where I am, I always try to post morning hours USA time. I tend to get decent results doing things this way. The same goes with sharing updates via social media.
What are your readers’ demographics? Research t0 find this 0ut. Afterwards, create and share social media posts based on your readers’ demographics.
Find Out What Works And Double Down On It
When it comes to promoting your blog, make sure you double down on what works. Some posts will do better in terms of traffic than other posts. When you notice a post gaining momentum, then double down on the work.
By doubling down, we mean use more money to promote via social media. Reach out to your followers on social media and tell them about your popular post. Don’t forget to submit your post to bookmarking channels too.
Play Nice
By playing nice, we mean doing things like reaching out to the competition and trying to work with them. Also, always maintain good manners because this can go a long way. If you want to generate a ton of traffic, then build relationships with people in your niche.
What you can do is check out relevant blogs and communities and leave comments. Think about finding major industry bloggers and interviewing them. You can even create a list of the best type of post and include specific bloggers’ names.
After you cite the blogger/bloggers, reach out to them on social media. Otherwise, you can just tag them in a post. They will take notice and share your content. In turn, you could end up generating a ton of traffic.
Internal linking can do wonders for SEO, but linking to outside sources needs to be done too. This will show Google that you are trying to build strong and genuine relationships with other bloggers. On that note, you should consider pitching guests posts to bloggers within your niche. Guest posting is a great way to generate links to your own blog, while building up a solid reputation.
Tommy McDonald
Tommy is an SEO professional with years of experience running highly successful SEO companies, founded SerpLogic after noticing there was a major void when it came to options for SEO agencies needing a reliable and professional one-stop outsource solution.You can read all about me in the “About” page here on our blog!